Happy Valentine's Day Lovers!

I've never been all that into Valentine's Day, it's so cheesy. I guess I'm spilling over with love this year b/c I'm actually excited to celebrate V-day. Steve & I are expecting! I'm due in August and we're very excited...and a little scared but what new parent wouldn't be? I thought juggling my music and a baby would be tricky. I'm sure I won't truly know until the baby is here but so far so good. I'm opening for Stanley Jordan at Sellersville theater March 19th, doing an interview with a music magazine sometime before then and I just got contacted about writing some music for projects including tv, commercials and video games. Get paid to create and record awesome instrumental music from home, hell yeah. I've been working on a few new things, a couple guitar pieces and some piano instrumentals. I'm going to try out two new tunes on the 19th. My focus has been progressive melody, percussive beats, tapping & finger style. I've been trying to stay in one tuning so I don't have to re tune and switch guitars so much, it proves to be challenging but it's nice to be able to play three songs without tuning! I haven't played with my band since before I got pregnant and I miss that a lot, there's so much going on right now, it's difficult to find time. Hoping to get some jam time in before baby comes. Just wanted to give a quick update, new youtube vids coming soon! PROMISE : ) 

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